Sunday, December 8, 2013

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : SAY WHAT? YOUR BODY IS WHAT??????

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : SAY WHAT? YOUR BODY IS WHAT??????: IS YOUR BODY TOXIC? SAY What?  MY body is toxic!  NO WAY!  YES, IT IS!!!!! Look at the list above and count how many of the items lis...


SAY What?  MY body is toxic!  NO WAY!  YES, IT IS!!!!! Look at the list above and count how many of the items listed under "If you use" that you use.  I am confident to say that most of us, probably use over half of those items!  By using those items, all of the chemicals on the left are going into your body!  GROSS!!!!!!!

OK, so I have come to terms with the fact that I unknowingly have been placing harmful chemicals in my body for a loooooonnnnng time!  NOW WHAT??????  Well, before we jump too far ahead, let's look at the symptoms that our bodies need detoxed!  As you can see below, there is a long list of symptoms that demonstrate a body needs detoxed.  Can you quickly count how many of the statements below are true about yourself?  Thank you!!!!!  The higher the number, the more toxic your body probably is.  

How do toxins impact our body and health?  GOOD question!!!!  Toxins can have multiple negative effects on our bodies and health.  Look at the list of ways toxins affect our health below.  Do YOU experience any of these symptoms???  If so, then you are at the right place!!!!!

So let's review what we have learned so far!  1) We know that there are multiple things that we are using that are putting toxins in our bodies.  2) We know the symptoms that our bodies need a detox or cleanse.  3) We know the ways that toxins impact our bodies and our health.  So NOW WHAT?????

What is a DETOX?  


Now, that you know what a detox is.  Sometimes people use the words cleanse and detox interchangeably.  Since i knew that Fred and I needed to cleanse our bodies of toxins and I wanted to help other people, I decided to run a 3 day Shakeology Cleanse.  Here is what the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse consisted of.

This is a list of the ingredients and benefits of each ingredient.  WOW!!!! LOTS OF GOOD NUTRITION IN ONE SHAKE!!!!!!

We started the cleanse and everyone was ready for the cleanse.  We had weighed ourselves, taken all of our measurements and took photos!  We started the cleanse and I was getting reports of some significant symptoms from some of the people in the cleanse!  OH NO, I GOT TO HELP!  Of course, my brain went into problem solving mode!  I started asking a ton of questions from all of the participants.  They were great and answered the questions honestly and quickly!  GO TEAM!  Then I started to think about what happens when our bodies are detoxing and I had a thought!  When we are detoxing/cleansing, we are basically resetting our bodies as a whole.  We are roughing up the toxins and killing off the toxins, so you have what is called a die off period, where all of the toxins are being removed from your body!  I DON'T THINK I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT!!!!!  Well, here is a list of the symptoms that may occur while cleansing/detoxing.  One of the ladies had almost all of these symptoms!  I felt so bad for her!  She was such a trooper and stuck to the cleanse.

Well, I am proud of all of the participants!  All of us, except one lost a signficant amount of weight and inches!  I am going to share with you the results of mine and Fred's.  

WOW! LOOK AT THESE STATS from MY 3 Day Holiday Shakeology Cleanse Group! Everybody ROCKED the group! SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!

Me                   12/3/13-                                                    
                     weight 124                                                  
weight 121 
- ,
(lost 3 pounds, gained 0.5 inches (chest) and lost (1 inch in waist)

Fred              12/3/13-                                                     
                  weight 207.4                                                
weight 202
(lost 5 pounds, gained 4 inches (leg/arms) and lost 3 inches (chest and waist)


I hope you like this!  FYI, I will be running another cleanse after the holidays, probably the first week of January.  



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : PAY IT FORWARD FOR LOCAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : PAY IT FORWARD FOR LOCAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!: PAY IT FORWARD FOR LOCAL CHILDREN FEELING BLESSED AND PRIVILEGED TO HAVE OPPORTUNITY           Today I had the wonderful opportuni...



          Today I had the wonderful opportunity and privilege to help children at my son's school with the Holiday Shoppe.  For those of you who don't know what the Holiday Shoppe is, it is where the children are sent in with money from their parents to buy presents for their mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, pets, teachers, themselves.  They get to spend whatever is sent in by their parents/guardians.

           Why am I so excited about helping with this?  First of all, the children are so excited to buy presents for their loved ones.  Second, the children spend so much time deciding on just the right present for each family member.  Third, I believe the magic of Christmas/Holiday is giving, not getting.

      Our society has become so concerned about what are you going to give me.  An example of this is the following.  At a local parade, the children were given small gifts.  However, they were asking for ipads, phones, etc.  These were 8 and 10 year old children, REALLY!!!!!!!!!  What are we teaching OUR children?  And I will be the first to admit that I have taught my children to value THINGS and not PEOPLE for awhile.   What are we going to get our children when they are 14 and 16, if they already have all of the game systems, phones, ipads, etc. when they are 8 and 10 years old?

         So, I spent almost all day today, helping the children at the Holiday Shoppe.  I am also spending half of the day tommorrow doing the same thing.  Then next week, I am running my daughter's Christmas Shoppe for two days.  Sorry, I got off track!  My brain goes a mile a minute!  I have a hard time typing as fast as I think!  LOL!  Anyways, back to the Holiday Shoppe at my son's school.  So there were a group of us, who helped each individual child walk through the store and buy items for their designated family members.  OH, by the way, items range from 25 cents to $10.  The children have an envelope with who they are suppose to buy for, how much for each person and total amount that they have!  Other adults helped the children wrap their presents.  Kids had a blast shopping!

               Does every child have money?  NO!  Is it because their parents don't love them?  I don't think that is it at all!  Is it because the family doesn't celebrate the holidays?  Maybe some?  My guess is that some families just don't have any money for food, they are homeless or struggling financially.  Well guess how many children out of 6 classrooms (I think) did not have any money?  GUESS, I BET YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!!!!!!  There were 25 children!  That absolutely brought me to tears today!  Now the company who provides the merchandise does provide a ticket for children with out money to spend $1.  THAT IS GREAT!!!!!  So this was bothering me the whole time I was there and even when I came home to take a break.  I thought about giving each child some money that I had in my pocket, but I didn't have enough money for each child plus the children tommorrow!  UGH!  My wish at that point was that I could give each child enough money to buy for their entire family!  I thought about providing a couple of kids with money for presents, but then HOW could I leave out the other children? 

GIRL MELTED MY HEART (By the way, this is not the little girl!)
GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT??????  A child walked in and sat on the floor waiting for the others to shop so that she could spend her $1 ticket!  Well, I looked into this little girls eyes and it just brought me to tears!  My heart said that I had to help this child buy presents for his siblings!  By the way, the whole time I was hoping that this little girls parents didn't get mad at me for giving her money to buy for her siblings!  Well, this little girl and I started talking and she told me about the siblings she had and how old each of them were! I let her pick out presents for each of her siblings!  By the way, the point of this post is NOT to get credit, praise or anything!  MY ONE WISH is that people would contact me to get money to help the children in this local school buy presents for their family!!!!!!!!!  If anyone is willing to send money to go toward these 25 children from today and who knows how many tommorrow, then message me and I will tell YOU the school so that you can send it directly to the school!  I just want to try to respect the school's privacy and these children's privacy!!!!!!

PAY IT FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for listening to me babble!  This MEANS THE WORLD to ME and THESE CHILDREN!!!!!!





Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Angels Were Watching over ME!

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Angels Were Watching over ME!: ANGELS WERE WATCHING OVER ME! MY OWN PERSONAL STORY OF GRIEF This will be my most personal blog post thus far!  I just have to throw t...

Angels Were Watching over ME!


This will be my most personal blog post thus far!  I just have to throw this out there.  Why?  I try to use my negative experiences to help others in a positive manner.  I have been thinking about doing this post for awhile, but was told by someone not to.  However, I have learned to listen to my heart and my heart tells me that this post needs to be done tonight!  I am praying that this post does not have a negative impact on my family or me.  I am also doing this post because when I worked as a Behavioral Specialist Consultant, I saw so many children being bullied and my own children have been bullied!  Now I know as an adult now, that having these negative experiences have caused me to be who I am and have made me a stronger person, but it still was hard at the time and children don't have the ability to think like that!  I also want my children and other children to learn to be kind to each other, no matter how much someone gets on their NERVES!  Two wrongs don't make it right!  I also want children who are experiencing sadness or dislike of themselves to actively seek help and for the adults around them to help!  Sometimes children say they don't want help and buck the help, but deep down inside they need it!  Adults never give up on your children or students!  Here goes!!!!!!  Feeling very sad and nervous as I write this post!

Growing up, I have had a lot of obstacles to overcome and I was not an easy child!  I had a WILL of my own, which caused me to make a ton of bad decisions!  I caused my parents and loved ones a ton of grief!  Looking back, I am surprised that they didn't KILL me!  The running joke at that time was that it would be a miracle if I made it to my 18th birthday!  I have always got along with boys better than girls!  Why, I am not completely sure!  It may have been that I was surrounded by my brothers and boy cousins for the first 12 years of my life!

I have had so many people at school be mean to me and spread rumors about me!  To the point that I actually switched schools two times during high school!  Did I bring it on myself by my actions, possibly?  However, one person can only take so much before they SNAP!  How did I deal with all of this?  Well, sadly I have to report that I had low self-esteem.  I used every diet pill under the sun and starved myself!  I drank and smoke cigarettes!  I know I was a BAD person!  Why am I sharing this again?  I am sharing to encourage adults and teachers to understand the impact of bullying and to encourage parents/teachers to NEVER give up on someone (even if they say that they don't want help).  What else happened?  I have tried to commit suicide so many times that it is ridiculous! My family didn't know about most attempts!  The ones that they know about, they did try to help me with!  Others also tried to help me.  However, remember I am extremely strong willed and I was determined to die! I TRULY wanted to die at that point!  I know once again I was a BAD person!  Luckily, various people have watched over me, especially GOD!  ALL I can say is that GOD had a plan for my LIFE and it was not to DIE yet!

Please listen to this message and let it touch your heart!  Treat others kindly, even if you don't like them or disagree with what they do, what they say or what they are!  Teach your children/students to care for one another!  Teach your children to stand up for others who are being mistreated and not go along with the crowd!

May God be with all of those children or adults who are being bullied or who are thinking of committing suicide!  



Monday, December 2, 2013

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Is MY body toxic and would I benefit from a cleans...

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Is MY body toxic and would I benefit from a cleans...: Is my body toxic? Is my body toxic?  Hmmm!  Well, I can tell you that my body was definitely TOXIC!  I had spent years smoking, e...

Is MY body toxic and would I benefit from a cleanse?

Is my body toxic?
Is my body toxic?  Hmmm!  Well, I can tell you that my body was definitely TOXIC!  I had spent years smoking, eating unhealthy, drinking Pepsi, starving myself and drinking energy drinks, not to mention all of the weight loss pills that I had tried!  Ugh, looking back, I don't know where my head was then!  I had a whole host of symptoms to go along.  I had difficulty concentrating, excess weight, fatigue, fluid retention, food cravings (esp. dairy and sugar), headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, sinus congestion, sleep problems, depression and anxiety!  Wow, looking at all of those symptoms, I don't know how I even survived or managed!  

How about you?
Looking at the 2 lists above of symptoms that demonstrate a body is toxic, how many of those do YOU have?  I know it is difficult, but be HONEST with yourself because the first line of change is admitting that there is a problem!  

How did I even come in contact with this knowledge
Well, when my son was 1 1/2 years old, the Early Intervention team came in to complete an assessment of him to determine if he had developmental delays or behavior issues.  My doctor at the time had told me "He is a boy and he will be fine".  Well, thank God I listened to my heart and mother's instinct, because I clearly knew that he needed some help.  So what did I do, I called Early Intervention, and had them come out for a free evaluation.  Upon assessment, the Early Intervention team started to talk about my son's rosy red cheeks, dark circles under his eyes (allergy shiners) and skin rash (Keratosis pilarasis).  WHAT?  Of course, I asked them what all of that meant.  Well they referred me to a doctor, who specialized in food allergies and detoxing children.  Yep, my kids and I both had food intolerances and had heavy metals in our bodies.  This was diagnosed upon blood tests and hair analysis.  We ended up putting all of us on a glutein-casein free diet and utilizing supplements to detox all of us!  Guess what, my son's symptoms improved!

However, I was still leading a very unhealthy lifestyle!  Fastforward about 4 years.  I was exercising and was presented with an opportunity to begin meal replacement shakes, good supplements and a 2 day cleanse!  Of course, I jumped on the opportunity!  Guess what, the weight just started falling off of me.  I also had more energy and my aches and pains disappeared!  YEAH!  I was soooooo excited.  

Now fastforward to recent times!  I had become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and had decided to run a Post Thanksgiving 3 day cleanse challenge group.  Why did I not just do the 3 day cleanse by myself?  I wanted to share with others what I already knew worked!  My goals is to share what has taken me so long to learn with others to provide them with a shortcut for success!  So starting tommorrow, I am running a Post Holiday Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse challenge group.  Of course, Fred is joining me in this cleanse challenge group.  

Let's review some key information
Well, let me tell you some key points.  First of all, everything that goes into our bodies has to be broken down.  Sometimes, when food is not broken down or leaks out the membrane of the intestines, then the material moves throughout our body, this is called leaky gut syndrome.  Now, I am by no means a doctor, but I do try to understand what I am having others do with me and what I have had my children do.  Additionally, I have had a team of professionals and doctors guide me on how to stop the leaky gut syndrome and explain exactly what is going on to me.  Anyways, when the molecules pass the intestines and spread through the blood to various parts of the body, it cause symptoms, such as asthma, allergies, mental fog, fatigue, skin rashes, difficulty sleeping, etc.  This also weakens our immune system because the body perceives the molecules as toxic, so the body starts to attack itself.  This is what happened with my son, he had an overactive immune system.  His body was basically attacking everything!  This also triggers the flora in the digestive system to be out of balance.  The body is over ran with bad bacteria, such as yeast!

If you don't believe what I have to say, then watch this video!  

What can we expect from the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse?
The 3 day Shakeology cleanse is basically to reset your body!  It gives your body 3 days to build up appropriate nutrients in your body and give your digestive system a chance to heal and recoup.  This also causes weight to come off easier because your digestive flora is balanced again with the good nutrition from the Shakeology.  Think of a car that has had years of bad gas or a period of not enough oil.  What happens, the car begins to run like CRAP and is sluggish.  Well, that is what happens to our bodies after having numerous toxic things placed in the body.  Cleanse also helps the body function more efficiently, so you have increased energy.

When first doing a cleanse, there is a period of time that you will be tired and feel like crap.  What!  This occurs because the bad stuff is being killed off!  However, after that period of time, previous symptoms disappear!  For example, I had chronic pain, fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome prior to the first cleanse.  Now, I am completely symptom free!  WOO HOO!
Check this video out!

What is in Shakeology

Check this video out!

You say, you can't afford it!  
Think again!

If you would like to try Shakeology or the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse, message me at, sign up for your free Beachbody membership at or go to

God Bless You and May this be useful to your health!



Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Is Green Tea Beneficial to your health?

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Is Green Tea Beneficial to your health?: Hello everyone, I have known the benefits of green tea for awhile now.  However, I have not started drinking green tea until recently. ...

Is Green Tea Beneficial to your health?

Hello everyone,

I have known the benefits of green tea for awhile now.  However, I have not started drinking green tea until recently.  I started drinking green tea about two weeks ago.  Not only do I drink it, but Fred and my children also drink green tea!  We all LOVE IT and my children actually ask for green tea now!

Why did I start drinking green tea?  Well, considering that I lead an extremely busy life and I am always on the go, I need a ton of energy!  I used to drink two 2-Liters of Pepsi per day, took energy drinks and 5 hour energy shots!  I know, that stuff is all bad for my health and my body!  My body craved sugar all of the time and i would have energy crashes!  OH NO!  So I decided to complete a cleanse of my body.  After the cleanse, I realized that I no longer craved sugar.  However, I was still lacking some of the energy that I needed.  Some people told me to keep taking the 5 hour energy shots.  However, I knew that they were not good for me, so I decided that I would give green tea a try!  Why not, right?  Well, let me tell you, the first time that I drank green tea at 11pm at night, I talked Fred's ear off until I think 3AM, when he finally told me to GO TO SLEEP!  I liked the energy that it gave me, so I decided to take it in the morning also.  Well, shortly there after, Fred decided that he was going to drink it on a daily basis also. YEAH!  Well, GUESS WHAT happened next?  Yep, my children saw mom and dad drinking green tea, so they asked if they could drink it also!  Why not, it is healthy!  Our children began drinking it daily and ask for it every day.  WOO HOO!

SO, What is the BENEFITS of green tea?  Well, as you can see in the photo above, there is a number of healthy reasons for EVERYONE to drink green tea.  What we noticed the most was that it was detoxing our bodies, gave US increased energy and increased our metabolism!  YEAH!  Not to mention that it is full of antioxidants! Have you tried green tea and if so, what is your favorite benefit of green tea?

God Bless All of You and Remember to PAY IT FORWARD!


Monday, November 25, 2013


November 25, 2013

So I decided to go to the chiropractor today and I haven't been there in about 3 months.  It made me think about why I go to the chiropractor.  Hmmm, why do I go to the chiropractor?  Then I started to think about what the reason was that I started going.  Here's my story.  

                   When I was about 22 years old, I was driving to the gym early in the morning in my car at that time (purple Mustang).  I had just pulled up to a red light in Etna and all of a sudden I felt my car moving forward rapidly into a school bus full of children and finally ended smashing into a metal pole.  A little confused to say the least, I had no idea of what happened!  Well, guess what?  Can't guess, okay I will tell you.  A Mack truck was coming down the ramp and lost it's breaks and smashed into the back end of my mustang, which pushed me into the school bus and the metal pole!  Ouch!  Well guess where the Mack truck ended up.  The Mack truck after smashing into me ended up halfway through the house on the intersection.  Definite BIG OUCH!  The truck had to be going pretty fast to hit me and then go halfway through a house!  Yep, that was the second time a vehicle that I was in made the front page news.  The first time was the summer before my 9th grade year, when a drunk driver, who was drag racing hit the stopped car that I was in at an extremely fast speed.  However, that is not what this post is about, so I will have to share that story on a later date.  Back to my original story.  So, what happened?  I was taken to the hospital for MRI and other testing.  They completed the testing and said I was good and I could leave the hospital.  I was relieved to be alive and to be okay.  That is one of the many days that I know God and guardian angels were looking over me and protecting me!  I was told by the police that if the truck wouldn't have turned his wheel slightly and hit the back of my car straight on, I would have been pronounced dead on the scene.  Wow, I really felt grateful to God!  

       So I went home and went on with my day.  I was sore.  I woke up the next day, ready to work out because at that time, I was working out two times per day!  Well, I went to the gym and I was having so much pain and felt like I was constantly going to pass out!  I was in extreme pain, nauseous and felt like passing out for about a couple days to a week and still trying to stick with working out!  Well, let me tell you, it was not working!  Do I go back to the hospital? No, because I was told that I was fine!  So at this time I was working out at a gym that had a chiropractor right inside the gym.  I went to the chiropractor, told him what had happened and expressed the amount of pain that I was in with tears rolling down my cheeks from the pain!  He said let me get xrays and let's see what I can do for you!  X-rays came back okay and he said let me start adjusting you a couple of times per week.  Well, I said sure, because I was willing to try anything to get rid of the pain so that I could hit working again heavy!  He adjusted me and after a period of time (which I forget how long), I felt better and I was able to get back to lifting heavy again.  YEAH!

              Well, let me tell you it is not a running joke in my family that I need a tank for no reason!  I think I have been hit by other vehicles and animals so many times, that I do need a tank!  So fastforward some years.  At this point, I was working at an approved private school in Sewickley.  I was driving home from work and as I am driving through an intersection on Millerstown Road, a vehicle runs the stop sign and smashes into my vehicle sending me across the road into the bushes.  I am sitting in my car confused when the people living in the house come out and ask me if I am okay.  I don't know if I am okay and I don't even know what happened!  The nice gentleman tells me to turn my car off and is there anyone that I want them to call.  Well at this point, I can't even remember Fred's number.  I find my phone in my car and call Fred to tell him that I have been in another accident!  Meanwhile the police and ambulance are on their way!  So the police come and ask where the pain is and they are deciding whether to take me out of the car or whether to cut the roof off of my car to get me out because of the pain in my neck!  Well, I end up getting out of the car and I once again am taken in an ambulance to the hospital!  Fred can't get through because they have closed the road off both ways. I get to the hospital and they do tests again and said I had a concussion and whiplash!  I am released from the hospital with Fred.  So for about two years after that I was in major pain and tried many interventions to get rid of the pain!  I was having spells where I getting light headed, nauseous and had constant stabbing pain in my neck and back.  I was having a hard time doing my work because of the pain.  However, my biggest FEAR was how am I going to take care of my children with being in constant pain!  

          So I tried multiple interventions to attempt to get rid of the pain!  I did Physical Therapy including water therapy by a Physical Therapist for a period of time and had some relief, but not enough to manage work and kids.  I tried accupuncture, vitamin B injections and pain medications!  Wow, talk about being a Zombie!  I couldn't even stay awake or function with the pain medications!  I think those lasted maybe a couple of days before, I said forget it!  I was getting discouraged and searching for answers.  If you know me, you know that I will keep searching until I find the answer! At this point, my PCP stated that she thought I had Fibromyalgia based on symptomology, but referred me to the Cleveland Clinic.  So we decided to take a trip out to Cleveland Ohio to the specialist for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I went out there and they confirmed the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!  Wow!  Now what am I supposed to do?  I have two small children to take care of and I am working full time!  So they prescribed me natural supplements, which helped some, but I was still in pain!  At this point, I was fed up and I wanted something that worked.  What did I do?  I found another chiropractor because the chiropractor, who I went to before had moved to a different location and I was living about 45 minutes away from there at this point.  I found another chiropractor.  Who my children and I have seen for over 9 years now!  WOW, that is a long time!  I haven't had treatments the entire 9 years though!  Anyways, back to my story.  I started being treatment by the chiropractor and was provided with natural supplements!  Wow, what a difference! My pain was decreasing and my ability to complete everyday activities without pain was increasing!  YEAH!  By the way, if anyone wants to know the chiropractor or supplements, let me know!  I actually just got information on the supplements today for a close relative, who has a concussion to hopefully help her out of the pain so she can work again!

      By the way, I also hit a deer and had symptoms again after that!  What did I do?  Of course, I went back to the chiropractor and he adjusted me for a period of time and I went back on the supplements!  Back to myself again.  So the fact that I haven't been to the chiropractor in 3 months and I was not in any pain is FABULOUS!  Oh, yeah I forgot to mention that the first two vehicles were totaled and the third vehicle should have been totaled but wasn't!

       How does this relate to health or fitness?  Even if you are in pain, don't give up on searching for natural ways to eliminate the pain. Chiropractic care is beneficial for adults, children, pregnant women.  It helps keep your spine in proper alignment, so that all of your body systems can function properly.  It also helps release toxins from your body.  It can help with a host of symptoms!   Also, just because there is a lot of pain and you have to give up working out for a period of time, doesn't mean that you have to give up exercising forever!

I hope you enjoy this!  God bless all of you!


Friday, November 22, 2013

My own fitness journey to start becoming healthy

My weight through transformation


I had two C-sections with having my children, who I dearly love.  However, I ended up weighing 200 pounds after I had my second child.  My belief at that point in time was "I am never going to have a firm, toned stomach after having children and C-sections.  At that point in time, I was not really working out at all.

Getting ready for Women in Wild Challenge with my mother

Then one day, my mother asked me to do the Women in the Wild Challenge with her because she thought it would be fun to do together.  So I agreed to do the challenge.  The challenge consisted of running 5 miles, biking 12 miles and doing an obstacle course.  My mother was of course training and asked me if I was training by running.  I said "yes" I was training, but I really wasn't.  I know, that was bad of me to lie! So approximately 2 months prior to the challenge, I began walking on the treadmill.  I began walking at approximately 3.0 miles per hour and would take it up to maybe 4.0 miles per hour for 20-30 seconds.  I think at that time, the fastest I could run was maybe 5.0 miles per hour for a brief period of time.  However, I utilized the shaping techniques that I used for my career at that time to gradually increase the time and speed. One day at 5am, I went to spinning class for the first time and walked out after 5 minutes.  I came home and told Fred, "F**k spinning" and went back to bed.  However, if you know me well enough, then you know that I will perseverate on not being able to do something until it drives me absolutely CRAZY.  So, I decided to start by using the sit down bike at the gym.  I did that for awhile and then decided that it was time to try spinning again.  Well guess what, spinning was extremely hard, but I MADE it through the ENTIRE class.  YEAH!   I think, by the time of the challenge, I was maybe able to run at 5.5 miles per hour and was able to complete spinning classes. I went to the challenge and was determined that I was going to FINISH NO MATTER WHAT!  Guess what, I did finish!  Yeah!  However, I was sore for about 2-3 days afterwards.

Second year of Women in Wild Challenge with my mother

So I continued to walk/run on the treadmill and did some exercising classes. Guess what!  My mother asked me to do the Women in Wild Challenge again.  This time, I was super excited to do it!  So, I did it and made it through the challenge a little easier this time!  YEAH!

Training for Tough Mudder

So, I was at my cousin's Halloween Party on October 2012 and my other cousin asked me if I wanted to do the Tough Mudder.  Of course, at this point, I said yes because I enjoyed the Women in the Wild challenge so much and at this point I wanted to see how far I could push myself and my body.  So Fred and I talked about how I was going to train for the Tough Mudder.  We decided that we were going to try Insanity.  Well, let me tell you something!  The first week that we did Insanity, we both felt like we were going to die and that we were going to need to call an ambulance to the house!!!!!!   IT was TOUGH!!! But guess what,  I refused to quit, so we made it through the entire program. What is next?  We decided to try the Asylum.  So we completed the Asylum and loved it also!


 Well, then it was time for the Tough Mudder.  IT WAS GO TIME!  I was so nervous whether I could finish the Tough Mudder or not?  However, I kept telling myself "KIM YOU WILL FINISH THIS OR DIE TRYING".  I know pretty extreme!!!  However, this is how I motivate myself! As we were standing there at the start gate with all of the people and everyone is jumping up and down and shouting "Hurrah", IT IS SUCH AN ADRENALINE RUSH!!!!!  I was soooo pumped, that I couldn't wait to start!  And then, the race is on!!  WOO HOO!  I will describe everything about the Tough Mudder experience at a later date!  But, we all finished the Tough Mudder and I completed all but one obstacle successfully!  I fell off the Funky Monkey because I did not have enough upper body strength!  I was determined to do it the next year (2014) and complete all obstacles successfully.  Also, Fred was interested in doing the Tough Mudder with me the following year, so I was determined to set up a program that would ensure that BOTH of US could be ready and complete all obstacles.

MY major fitness transformation occurs

Well, then again, what is next!  Of course, it would have to be Focus T25 because we already had done two of Shaun T's workouts and LOVED them!  I also continued to run.  At this point in time, I was able to run at 7.0 miles per hour.  I could run 8 miles without walking at all!  However, at this point in time, I also decided that I was going to start clean eating and cleansing!  So I started taking meal replacement shakes two times per day and cleansing my body three times per month.  Little did I know that I was going to have amazing results in a short period of time!  In two months, I had lost 13 pounds and 6 inches!  I felt better inside and outside!  I felt like a brand new person.  The increased energy was INCREDIBLE!  I no longer craved sugar and wasn't starving myself!  I was actually eating 5-6 times per day.  Yes, I do have cheat meals, but overall I eat clean!

At this time, I decided to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach!  But I will talk about that tommorrow!

God Bless You All

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Who is Kimfitnesschic


 Hello, I am Kimfitness chic!  This is my first day of blogging, so I figured that I should share a little about myself and my family.  I live near Pittsburgh, PA.  I will be 38 years old in three days.  I have an amazing partner, Fred, who I have been with for almost 11 years and who I am currently engaged to be married to.  I have two amazing children (Skylar and Johnathan).

In my past life I worked with children with autism as a Therapeutic Support Staff, Behavioral Specialist Consultant and Teacher at an approved private school.  Although, I loved working with the children with autism and their families, I decided that I need to be home for my own children.  Fred, being the supportive partner, that he is said to me, "why don't you just quit your job and stay at home with the children".  Shortly before this, I had started working as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  So after a few weeks of trying to manage everything and watching my son's behavior dramatically decrease, I decided it was time to resign as Behavioral Specialist Consultant.

Prior to this time, I worked full time and tried to manage my house and family as best that I could.  However, it was extremely challenging because I had multiple therapies for both of my children growing up.  My daughter was born with Torticollis (wry neck), speech and fine motor delays.  So over the years, we had her receiving therapy by Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Speech Therapists.  Then when my son was approximately 1 1/2 years old, he started to go down hill.  His attention span drastically decreased, his inappropriate behaviors increased and his speech was delayed.  I took him to the doctor and the doctor said that he was fine, "he is just a boy".  Luckily, because of the Developmental educational and professional background and early intervention for children with disabilities background, that I had, I did not listen to the doctor.  I also had mother's instinct that something wasn't quite right.  I made a call to Early Intervention and had the team of Early Intervention professionals come into my house and complete an assessment of my son to see if they had any concerns.  Yes, they definitely had concerns!  They had concerns with:  his decreased safety awareness, his fine motor skills, his speech, his behavior and his self-help skills.  They started providing Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Developmental for him.  They also noted that he had the rosy red cheeks (that never seemed to go away), keratosis pilaris and allergy shiners under his eyes.  They suggested that I have him seen by a professional for food allergies.  I had told them, that both children had seen allergists and the allergist completed a skin prick test to determine that my children did not have food allergies.  However, they told me that the specialist, who they referred me to, did not do the skin prick test, but did a blood test to determine food allergies.  So I decided, I needed to at least give it a try.  I took both of my children to the specialist for food allergies.  He recommended doing hair analysis and the blood test to test for all food allergies.  Got the results back.  GUESS WHAT!!!!!!  Both of my children had multiple food allergies and were placed on a glutein-casein free diet.  Now, little did I know that all of the pain that I had for years in my stomach was really food allergies manifesting themself in pain.  Also, the hair analysis noted that my children were extremely toxic with mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium.  The specialist recommended nutritional supplements for my children and also to DETOX them.  DETOX my children, what are you kidding me!  Well, we agreed to give the children a supplement that the children took orally that would bind to the toxins and pull them out of their body.  At this time, the children were also placed on Zinc, Magnesium, Cod Liver Oil, and Nutritional Multi-vitamin.  Now, insurance didn't cover this, so we had to pay BIG money to get the support that our children needed.  However, what is most important to a mother and father?  YES, their children being able to live to their full potential and be happy.  In the meantime,  I had both children placed on a waiting list with a Developmental Pediatrician, who specialized with glutein casein free diets, supplements and helping improve the quality of life for children with special needs.  However, there were 200 people on the waiting list for this specialist.  In the meantime, we ended up having BHRS services come into our home and daycare to help support our children.  We had Behavioral Specialist consultant and Therapeutic Support staff for both children.  It is very difficult having strangers come into your house and help your children, when that is the same thing that I did for a career.  However, it is not wise to provide therapy on your own family!  Fast forward about 1 year and both of my children finally got in to see the specialist.  YEAH!  Well, after having blood tests to for specific genetic disorders, we found out that our son, had Fragile X grey zone!  Devastating to hear that news!  However, I didn't care what he had, I still loved him and I was determined to help him overcome it as much as possible.  We had Outpatient Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy added.  I will never forget the day that he was sitting in the living room and starting piling all of his toys in the middle of the living room, repeatedly saying over and over again, "gotta take toys to sunnyside", "gotta take toys to sunnyside" until I blocked him and redirected him to something else.  To make things worse, I had psychological evaluations for him and was told that he didn't have "Autism" because he didn't stim and the fragile X ruled out autism.  I went round and round with numerous psychologists, who i worked with.  The doctor, who specialized in autism and glutein-casein free diets, said to me that he did have autism and that it didn't matter what the diagnosis was.  However, me working as a BSC, I knew that it did matter because the professionals working with my son had to develop the treatment plan based on the diagnosis, which by the way was "Disruptive Behavior Disorder, NOS".  Are you kidding me!!!!!  So after explaining why diagnosis matters, the autism doctor (we will call him) referred us to a colleague of his for neuro-psychological testing.  ALL of this while I was doing everything humanly possible to help the clients that I worked with.  AND I COULDN'T HELP MY OWN SON!  Well anyways, I took him to the psychologist referred by the autism doctor for neuro-psychological testing. Guess what I was told?  Yes, he did have a mild form of Autism and Fragile X grey zone frequently occurs with autism!  She also told me that his brain "gets stuck" at times, but he had normal to above average intelligence.  All of the hard work and refusing to give up was finally starting to pay off!

Well, I guess this is a lot more about my family and me than I had planned to share.  However, when you can understand what the journey has been for our family, then you will be able to understand the type of person I am and why I am the person I am!  I will share more tommorrow about me and more recent events!