Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is Green Tea Beneficial to your health?

Hello everyone,

I have known the benefits of green tea for awhile now.  However, I have not started drinking green tea until recently.  I started drinking green tea about two weeks ago.  Not only do I drink it, but Fred and my children also drink green tea!  We all LOVE IT and my children actually ask for green tea now!

Why did I start drinking green tea?  Well, considering that I lead an extremely busy life and I am always on the go, I need a ton of energy!  I used to drink two 2-Liters of Pepsi per day, took energy drinks and 5 hour energy shots!  I know, that stuff is all bad for my health and my body!  My body craved sugar all of the time and i would have energy crashes!  OH NO!  So I decided to complete a cleanse of my body.  After the cleanse, I realized that I no longer craved sugar.  However, I was still lacking some of the energy that I needed.  Some people told me to keep taking the 5 hour energy shots.  However, I knew that they were not good for me, so I decided that I would give green tea a try!  Why not, right?  Well, let me tell you, the first time that I drank green tea at 11pm at night, I talked Fred's ear off until I think 3AM, when he finally told me to GO TO SLEEP!  I liked the energy that it gave me, so I decided to take it in the morning also.  Well, shortly there after, Fred decided that he was going to drink it on a daily basis also. YEAH!  Well, GUESS WHAT happened next?  Yep, my children saw mom and dad drinking green tea, so they asked if they could drink it also!  Why not, it is healthy!  Our children began drinking it daily and ask for it every day.  WOO HOO!

SO, What is the BENEFITS of green tea?  Well, as you can see in the photo above, there is a number of healthy reasons for EVERYONE to drink green tea.  What we noticed the most was that it was detoxing our bodies, gave US increased energy and increased our metabolism!  YEAH!  Not to mention that it is full of antioxidants! Have you tried green tea and if so, what is your favorite benefit of green tea?

God Bless All of You and Remember to PAY IT FORWARD!


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