Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Angels Were Watching over ME!


This will be my most personal blog post thus far!  I just have to throw this out there.  Why?  I try to use my negative experiences to help others in a positive manner.  I have been thinking about doing this post for awhile, but was told by someone not to.  However, I have learned to listen to my heart and my heart tells me that this post needs to be done tonight!  I am praying that this post does not have a negative impact on my family or me.  I am also doing this post because when I worked as a Behavioral Specialist Consultant, I saw so many children being bullied and my own children have been bullied!  Now I know as an adult now, that having these negative experiences have caused me to be who I am and have made me a stronger person, but it still was hard at the time and children don't have the ability to think like that!  I also want my children and other children to learn to be kind to each other, no matter how much someone gets on their NERVES!  Two wrongs don't make it right!  I also want children who are experiencing sadness or dislike of themselves to actively seek help and for the adults around them to help!  Sometimes children say they don't want help and buck the help, but deep down inside they need it!  Adults never give up on your children or students!  Here goes!!!!!!  Feeling very sad and nervous as I write this post!

Growing up, I have had a lot of obstacles to overcome and I was not an easy child!  I had a WILL of my own, which caused me to make a ton of bad decisions!  I caused my parents and loved ones a ton of grief!  Looking back, I am surprised that they didn't KILL me!  The running joke at that time was that it would be a miracle if I made it to my 18th birthday!  I have always got along with boys better than girls!  Why, I am not completely sure!  It may have been that I was surrounded by my brothers and boy cousins for the first 12 years of my life!

I have had so many people at school be mean to me and spread rumors about me!  To the point that I actually switched schools two times during high school!  Did I bring it on myself by my actions, possibly?  However, one person can only take so much before they SNAP!  How did I deal with all of this?  Well, sadly I have to report that I had low self-esteem.  I used every diet pill under the sun and starved myself!  I drank and smoke cigarettes!  I know I was a BAD person!  Why am I sharing this again?  I am sharing to encourage adults and teachers to understand the impact of bullying and to encourage parents/teachers to NEVER give up on someone (even if they say that they don't want help).  What else happened?  I have tried to commit suicide so many times that it is ridiculous! My family didn't know about most attempts!  The ones that they know about, they did try to help me with!  Others also tried to help me.  However, remember I am extremely strong willed and I was determined to die! I TRULY wanted to die at that point!  I know once again I was a BAD person!  Luckily, various people have watched over me, especially GOD!  ALL I can say is that GOD had a plan for my LIFE and it was not to DIE yet!

Please listen to this message and let it touch your heart!  Treat others kindly, even if you don't like them or disagree with what they do, what they say or what they are!  Teach your children/students to care for one another!  Teach your children to stand up for others who are being mistreated and not go along with the crowd!

May God be with all of those children or adults who are being bullied or who are thinking of committing suicide!  



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