Friday, November 22, 2013

My own fitness journey to start becoming healthy

My weight through transformation


I had two C-sections with having my children, who I dearly love.  However, I ended up weighing 200 pounds after I had my second child.  My belief at that point in time was "I am never going to have a firm, toned stomach after having children and C-sections.  At that point in time, I was not really working out at all.

Getting ready for Women in Wild Challenge with my mother

Then one day, my mother asked me to do the Women in the Wild Challenge with her because she thought it would be fun to do together.  So I agreed to do the challenge.  The challenge consisted of running 5 miles, biking 12 miles and doing an obstacle course.  My mother was of course training and asked me if I was training by running.  I said "yes" I was training, but I really wasn't.  I know, that was bad of me to lie! So approximately 2 months prior to the challenge, I began walking on the treadmill.  I began walking at approximately 3.0 miles per hour and would take it up to maybe 4.0 miles per hour for 20-30 seconds.  I think at that time, the fastest I could run was maybe 5.0 miles per hour for a brief period of time.  However, I utilized the shaping techniques that I used for my career at that time to gradually increase the time and speed. One day at 5am, I went to spinning class for the first time and walked out after 5 minutes.  I came home and told Fred, "F**k spinning" and went back to bed.  However, if you know me well enough, then you know that I will perseverate on not being able to do something until it drives me absolutely CRAZY.  So, I decided to start by using the sit down bike at the gym.  I did that for awhile and then decided that it was time to try spinning again.  Well guess what, spinning was extremely hard, but I MADE it through the ENTIRE class.  YEAH!   I think, by the time of the challenge, I was maybe able to run at 5.5 miles per hour and was able to complete spinning classes. I went to the challenge and was determined that I was going to FINISH NO MATTER WHAT!  Guess what, I did finish!  Yeah!  However, I was sore for about 2-3 days afterwards.

Second year of Women in Wild Challenge with my mother

So I continued to walk/run on the treadmill and did some exercising classes. Guess what!  My mother asked me to do the Women in Wild Challenge again.  This time, I was super excited to do it!  So, I did it and made it through the challenge a little easier this time!  YEAH!

Training for Tough Mudder

So, I was at my cousin's Halloween Party on October 2012 and my other cousin asked me if I wanted to do the Tough Mudder.  Of course, at this point, I said yes because I enjoyed the Women in the Wild challenge so much and at this point I wanted to see how far I could push myself and my body.  So Fred and I talked about how I was going to train for the Tough Mudder.  We decided that we were going to try Insanity.  Well, let me tell you something!  The first week that we did Insanity, we both felt like we were going to die and that we were going to need to call an ambulance to the house!!!!!!   IT was TOUGH!!! But guess what,  I refused to quit, so we made it through the entire program. What is next?  We decided to try the Asylum.  So we completed the Asylum and loved it also!


 Well, then it was time for the Tough Mudder.  IT WAS GO TIME!  I was so nervous whether I could finish the Tough Mudder or not?  However, I kept telling myself "KIM YOU WILL FINISH THIS OR DIE TRYING".  I know pretty extreme!!!  However, this is how I motivate myself! As we were standing there at the start gate with all of the people and everyone is jumping up and down and shouting "Hurrah", IT IS SUCH AN ADRENALINE RUSH!!!!!  I was soooo pumped, that I couldn't wait to start!  And then, the race is on!!  WOO HOO!  I will describe everything about the Tough Mudder experience at a later date!  But, we all finished the Tough Mudder and I completed all but one obstacle successfully!  I fell off the Funky Monkey because I did not have enough upper body strength!  I was determined to do it the next year (2014) and complete all obstacles successfully.  Also, Fred was interested in doing the Tough Mudder with me the following year, so I was determined to set up a program that would ensure that BOTH of US could be ready and complete all obstacles.

MY major fitness transformation occurs

Well, then again, what is next!  Of course, it would have to be Focus T25 because we already had done two of Shaun T's workouts and LOVED them!  I also continued to run.  At this point in time, I was able to run at 7.0 miles per hour.  I could run 8 miles without walking at all!  However, at this point in time, I also decided that I was going to start clean eating and cleansing!  So I started taking meal replacement shakes two times per day and cleansing my body three times per month.  Little did I know that I was going to have amazing results in a short period of time!  In two months, I had lost 13 pounds and 6 inches!  I felt better inside and outside!  I felt like a brand new person.  The increased energy was INCREDIBLE!  I no longer craved sugar and wasn't starving myself!  I was actually eating 5-6 times per day.  Yes, I do have cheat meals, but overall I eat clean!

At this time, I decided to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach!  But I will talk about that tommorrow!

God Bless You All

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