Monday, December 2, 2013

Is MY body toxic and would I benefit from a cleanse?

Is my body toxic?
Is my body toxic?  Hmmm!  Well, I can tell you that my body was definitely TOXIC!  I had spent years smoking, eating unhealthy, drinking Pepsi, starving myself and drinking energy drinks, not to mention all of the weight loss pills that I had tried!  Ugh, looking back, I don't know where my head was then!  I had a whole host of symptoms to go along.  I had difficulty concentrating, excess weight, fatigue, fluid retention, food cravings (esp. dairy and sugar), headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, sinus congestion, sleep problems, depression and anxiety!  Wow, looking at all of those symptoms, I don't know how I even survived or managed!  

How about you?
Looking at the 2 lists above of symptoms that demonstrate a body is toxic, how many of those do YOU have?  I know it is difficult, but be HONEST with yourself because the first line of change is admitting that there is a problem!  

How did I even come in contact with this knowledge
Well, when my son was 1 1/2 years old, the Early Intervention team came in to complete an assessment of him to determine if he had developmental delays or behavior issues.  My doctor at the time had told me "He is a boy and he will be fine".  Well, thank God I listened to my heart and mother's instinct, because I clearly knew that he needed some help.  So what did I do, I called Early Intervention, and had them come out for a free evaluation.  Upon assessment, the Early Intervention team started to talk about my son's rosy red cheeks, dark circles under his eyes (allergy shiners) and skin rash (Keratosis pilarasis).  WHAT?  Of course, I asked them what all of that meant.  Well they referred me to a doctor, who specialized in food allergies and detoxing children.  Yep, my kids and I both had food intolerances and had heavy metals in our bodies.  This was diagnosed upon blood tests and hair analysis.  We ended up putting all of us on a glutein-casein free diet and utilizing supplements to detox all of us!  Guess what, my son's symptoms improved!

However, I was still leading a very unhealthy lifestyle!  Fastforward about 4 years.  I was exercising and was presented with an opportunity to begin meal replacement shakes, good supplements and a 2 day cleanse!  Of course, I jumped on the opportunity!  Guess what, the weight just started falling off of me.  I also had more energy and my aches and pains disappeared!  YEAH!  I was soooooo excited.  

Now fastforward to recent times!  I had become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and had decided to run a Post Thanksgiving 3 day cleanse challenge group.  Why did I not just do the 3 day cleanse by myself?  I wanted to share with others what I already knew worked!  My goals is to share what has taken me so long to learn with others to provide them with a shortcut for success!  So starting tommorrow, I am running a Post Holiday Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse challenge group.  Of course, Fred is joining me in this cleanse challenge group.  

Let's review some key information
Well, let me tell you some key points.  First of all, everything that goes into our bodies has to be broken down.  Sometimes, when food is not broken down or leaks out the membrane of the intestines, then the material moves throughout our body, this is called leaky gut syndrome.  Now, I am by no means a doctor, but I do try to understand what I am having others do with me and what I have had my children do.  Additionally, I have had a team of professionals and doctors guide me on how to stop the leaky gut syndrome and explain exactly what is going on to me.  Anyways, when the molecules pass the intestines and spread through the blood to various parts of the body, it cause symptoms, such as asthma, allergies, mental fog, fatigue, skin rashes, difficulty sleeping, etc.  This also weakens our immune system because the body perceives the molecules as toxic, so the body starts to attack itself.  This is what happened with my son, he had an overactive immune system.  His body was basically attacking everything!  This also triggers the flora in the digestive system to be out of balance.  The body is over ran with bad bacteria, such as yeast!

If you don't believe what I have to say, then watch this video!  

What can we expect from the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse?
The 3 day Shakeology cleanse is basically to reset your body!  It gives your body 3 days to build up appropriate nutrients in your body and give your digestive system a chance to heal and recoup.  This also causes weight to come off easier because your digestive flora is balanced again with the good nutrition from the Shakeology.  Think of a car that has had years of bad gas or a period of not enough oil.  What happens, the car begins to run like CRAP and is sluggish.  Well, that is what happens to our bodies after having numerous toxic things placed in the body.  Cleanse also helps the body function more efficiently, so you have increased energy.

When first doing a cleanse, there is a period of time that you will be tired and feel like crap.  What!  This occurs because the bad stuff is being killed off!  However, after that period of time, previous symptoms disappear!  For example, I had chronic pain, fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome prior to the first cleanse.  Now, I am completely symptom free!  WOO HOO!
Check this video out!

What is in Shakeology

Check this video out!

You say, you can't afford it!  
Think again!

If you would like to try Shakeology or the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse, message me at, sign up for your free Beachbody membership at or go to

God Bless You and May this be useful to your health!



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