Thursday, January 9, 2014

A HEART IS FOR LOVING, NOT HATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A HEART IS FOR LOVING, NOT HATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are born with a heart for a reason.  What is that reason?????????  I believe the reason is so that we can love each other, support each other, show kindness towards each other and forgive each other for our mistakes!  Children are not born hating, they are taught hating!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happens when children are taught to hate??????????  Who do they hate????????  BTW, I DO NOT LIKE the word HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What does the word HATE mean anyways?

WHY DO PEOPLE HATE???????????????

There are 3 main reasons people HATE:  1) see you as a threat, 2) hate themselves, 3) want to be you.  However, I think there are a couple of other reasons that HATE is said.  For example, my son tells me that he hates me frequently.  However, I know that my son doesn't hate me.  I know that he loves me!!!!!!  When my son uses the word "HATE", that is his way of telling me that he is mad at me!!!!!!!!!!!  So what do I do, I tell him "Well, I LOVE YOU".

 It's funny that I am writing about this tonight because an incident occurred this morning, that occurs frequently.  I had to take my son to school, but on the way, we stopped at the gas station.  My son wanted some type of sugary candy for breakfast and I told him "no".  Well, he proceeded to tell me that "I HATE YOU".  Well, let me tell you, it was loud enough for people to hear and the clerk gave me a look like "aren't you going to do something about that" while rolling her eyes.  This happens frequently for parents of children with special needs.  THE dirty looks, comments, stares.  I know that people are trying to be helpful!  Guess what, It makes the situation WORSE!!!!  It makes the parent feel completely inadequate and feel like their child is completely understood!  Yes, I could of explained him and how I responded!  WHY, do I have to????????????

Well, I am off-track as usual!!!!!  UGH!!!!  Back to other reasons that people use the word "HATE".  I think another big reason for using the word "HATE" is because it is taught by people around the person.  For example, it is taught by older siblings, who tell their sibling "I HATE YOU"! Or it is taught by parents who are fighting with each other and using the word "HATE" towards each other.  Maybe it is by peers at school, telling another child, "I HATE YOU, YOU'RE STUPID".  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It always saddened me, when I was going into schools and I saw children treat each other like this.  It isn't the teacher or school's fault!!!!!!  They can't see every single little thing that happens and children become extremely sly on how to bully each other without the adults noticing.  This is especially true for children with special needs.  Here is an example that I encountered with one young lady, who I used to work with.  She had some significant impulsivity issues and mental health issues.  Well, her peers would say stuff to her without the teachers hearing and then when she responded, she got in trouble.  We did work on positive ways to cope with the situation and role played bullying situations and how to deal with bullying.  Some say, "bullying is what makes us stronger".  YEAH, if it doesn't kill the person, then it does make the person stronger.  However, it also damages that person's self-esteem, trust in people and makes them feel worthless and like giving up!!!!!!!!!  Why do we do this to each other?????


Bullying is not just an individual issue because it impacts everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!  HOW???????  What happens when a child is bullied??????? When a child is bullied, it changes that person completely, which in turn changes how the person relates and interacts with the world.  The person begins to see the world as an extremely place, that doesn't have any safe places.  The person withdraws from their family and feels too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it because of the belief that "no one can be trusted".  The person starts to feel helpless and hopeless.  The person may start to act out in inappropriate ways, which usually causes more bullying and even more of the above issues.  I think the person starts to act out as a "CRY FOR HELP".  However, the acting out is viewed in a negative way, rather than a cry for help.  We need to start looking at children who are acting out as a sign that "I need help" or "I am struggling with communicating my feelings"

When you see someone being mistreated or bullied, what do you do?  Some of us pretend like we didn't see or hear anything.  Others tell themself, "What can I do"  "I am only one person".  Some decide that they want to be "COOL" and join in to be part of the "CROWD".

What can we do to stop bullying?  First, we can take a STAND against bullying.  Second, we can teach our children that it is okay to stand up for yourself in a positive way, but it is NOT OKAY to degrade others, call names, send nasty texts, talk SHIT on others, etc.  Third, as parents, we can model for our children, how to be kind to others.  How do we do that?  We can do that by not talking about other children's parents in front of our own children.  It is okay to not agree with how someone behaves, acts, lives or believes.  However, it is not okay to talk about other people negatively to your spouse in front of your children.  Unless of course, your goal is to teach hatred.  Fourth, as schools and society, we need to be accepting of children with special needs.  When you see a child acting up at school or in the public, don't talk to others about how "BAD" that kid is or how those parents "really need to discipline their child".  Instead, ask if there is anything that you can do to help.

I know I am going to offend some people with this post.  GUESS WHAT????? I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!  You are entitled to your opinion and beliefs and SO AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We can agree to DISAGREE!  Or if you don't like what I have to say, then DON'T READ IT!!!!!!! NO ONE is FORCING YOU to read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, MAY GOD WATCH OVER ALL OF THE PEOPLE BEING BULLIED AND MISTREATED and the BULLIES (who obviously have something that they are missing or who were taught to HATE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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