Tuesday, January 21, 2014



I have heard a lot of people tell me that they wish that they had the dedication and motivation that I have.  That makes it sound like I have some magic, secret power or something!  NOT AT ALL!  I am writing this post to make it very clear, where I was and how I have came this far!  I am also writing this post to ensure that everyone knows that they CAN DO IT TOO!  Some of you may not want to go as far as I do with this (fitness competition and obsessed)!  LOL!  You can go as far as YOU desire!  I don't care if you are a woman, man, kid, or how much weight you have to lose!  YOU CAN DO IT!


Soooooo, let's go back and discuss the person that I used to be.  I used to be extremely tired and depressed during the winter.  I would spend a lot of free time sleeping during the day.  I felt horrible about myself and didn't like myself at all.  I ate horribly.  Fast food was a numerous times a week occurrance.  I was at least 80 pounds over weight.  I craved and ate sugar like crazy.  Don't believe me, then ask anyone I worked with, Fred or my mother.  I exercised, but it was very inconsistent!


Now, let's forward to what I am like now!  YEAH!  First and foremost, I am confident and extremely proud of all of my hard work and dedication because it has paid off!  I run every morning for at least one mile and up to 14 miles.  I also try to do one of my Beachbody exercise programs every day.  Some of the exercise programs that I have done include:  Insanity, Asylum, T25, BodyBeast and P90X3.  Now, remember, I am not perfect, so I do miss some days!  That is okay, I don't have to be perfect!  I just have to be ME!  I also have a list of 12 goals for 2014 posted on my wall, that I have decided I WILL ACHIEVE or die trying!  I know that sounds extreme, but what can I say?  When I put my heart into something, I GO FULL FORCE AND REFUSE TO STOP OR QUIT!  I also have taught myself to cook and clean eat!  I plan my meals for the week!  Just a note, I do not count calories because when i counted calories, I slowed my metabolism down!  I just eat healthy, appropriate portions every two hours.  I also have one cheat meal per week! I only drink water or green tea!  I also spend a lot of time on social media to run my challenge groups and in an attempt to inspire others to transform their lives!  I love people and I love helping people!!!!!  I also run cleanse groups to assist others in cleansing their bodies from toxins and resetting their bodies.  I think I have been a coach at heart all of my life!


I do not have any magical power or special talent!  All I have is a desire to change, a goal to achieve and refuse to quit!  When I first started training for the Women in the Wild Challenge, I had difficulty walking on the treadmill and walked out of spinning class after 5 minutes.  Came home from spinning class and told Fred, "F*** THAT" about spinning!  However, it pissed me off that I walked out of the class and wasn't able to do it and I was also afraid of quitting in the middle of the Women in Wild Challenge.  Quitting in front of tons of people!  HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!!!  The thought of it scared me to death!  So I told myself, "Kim, you better figure out how to bring up your game!"  Soooooo!!!!  I started walking on the treadmill at 3.0mph and watched movies or listened to music while I was doing it!  I gradually would increase the speed by 0.5mph or 1.0mph for a brief period of time (1-5 minutes).  This technique is called shaping!  I kept doing that until I was up to 6.0mph at that time.  I also began doing the seated bike at the gym at a low speed and gradually increased the speed.  Every success, I rewarded myself and told myself "GOOD JOB".  Then, guess what, I went back to spinning and I was able to do it!!!!  YEAH!!!  I also remember the bike rides that I would take with my mother to get ready for the competition!  OH MY, I THOUGHT SHE WAS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!  My mother is one TOUGH COOKIE!!!!!!!  Thank God, I have a mother that PUSHES me so hard!!!!  That is what I WANT TO DO FOR ALL OF MY CHALLENGERS!!!!!!  Moving forward, we also started doing Insanity!  WHAT WERE WE THINKING DOING INSANITY AS THE FIRST EXERCISE PROGRAM that we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The first day, we made it through with stopping multiple times, modifying almost everything and laying on the floor afterwards, because we thought we needed an ambulance!!!!!  Did we quit because it was HARD??????? NOPE, WE DID NOT!!!  We kept doing it every day!  Even sometimes at 11PM at night!!!!!  It got easier and we went on to Asylum, T25, BodyBeast and P90X3.  Now you have heard my story!!!!  DO YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT TOO????????? YES YOU CAN!!!!  Tomorrow, I will blog on how to get started and make it happen for you!!!

Thank you for reading this,

KIMFITNESSCHIC (do everything with your heart)  <3 <3

#IAm1stPhorm #coach #beachbodycoach #kimfitnesschic #noexcuses #insanity #asylum #T25 #bodybeast #P90X3 #fitfam #nevergiveup #nutritionzone #cleaneating #beastmode #transformationtuesday #dedication #motivation #payitforward #toughmudder #womeninthewild #spinning #exercise

1 comment:

  1. Kim i have followed your story for quite some time now and i want to stay that you are amazing! Your transformation is inspiring.
