Saturday, April 4, 2015

Kimfitnesschic Crazy, fun fitness and life/wellness coaching: Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National Amer...

Kimfitnesschic Crazy, fun fitness and life/wellness coaching: Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National Amer...: SKYLAR YOUNG'S STARS ARE THE LIMITZ- NATIONAL AMERICAN MISS PRE-TEEN My daughter (Skylar Young) is a PA State Finalist in the Nat...

Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National American Miss Pre-teen


My daughter (Skylar Young) is a PA State Finalist in the National American Miss Pre-teen pageant.  She is so excited!  She would like to be an actress or dancer.  I developed a You Tube video of her to help people know who she is.  The video is here:



We also created a GoFund me account to help her raise the money that she needs to make this dream happen.  Her Go Fund me account is at :

Well, let me tell you a little about why this is so important to me for my daughter.  First of all, I believe in supporting my daughter's dreams 100%.  Additionally, I am 100% willing to help her meet her dream goals.  Secondly, Skylar has been through a lot since she was born.  Let me take you back 11 years ago.  Skylar was two weeks overdue and didn't want to come out, so I had to be induced. The doctor kept saying, "wow, she has a full head of hair".  He must of said that for hours, but Skylar was still not completely out.  Well, at some point, the doctor decided that he was going to do a C-section to get Skylar to come out and see us.  Fred (Skylar's father) got ready to go into the operating room with me and Skylar.  However, shortly after getting dressed for operating room, they started rushing Skylar and me into the emergency C-section.  Fred wasn't allowed in the room.  Skylar and I both went into distress and we both were fading.  They took us into the emergency C-section while Skylar's father and grandmother waited anxiously.  It was hours before I finally came to and I got to hold my daughter.  Skylar's father wouldn't let Skylar's grandmother or anyone hold her until I came to and got to hold her first.  Here is a picture of the first time I got to hold Skylar.

Skylar had numerous medical issues.  She projected vomited as a baby.  This made me nervous, so I slept with her on the couch because I was so scared that she was going to asphyxiate.  She also cried unless she was held.  Additionally, she had a lazy eye, so she had glasses at 1 year old and had 3 eye surgeries by the time that she was 4. That wasn't all though.  She had multiple ear infections, so she had tubes placed in her ears 2 times.  Additionally, she had to have her adenoids removed two times, because they grew back after being removed the first time.  She had chronic sinus infections and allergies.  She also had Torticollis (wry neck), so she had to have Physical Therapy. She would cry and scream when the vacuum or blender was on (sound sensitivity) and multiple sensory issues.  Thus, she had Occupational Therapy to address fine motor delays and sensory issues.  She would push with markers so hard, that she broke the markers and had difficulty with fine motor tasks.  She also had some speech issues, so she received Speech Therapy. Well, then along came her brother when she was 3 years old.  She had extreme difficulty adjusting to having a brother.  Well, it was plain to see why.  Her brother also required 24 hour supervision to keep him safe.  He required a ton of attention to maintain safety.  The amount of time that her brother required impacted her belief that her father and I loved her.  She made multiple comments that "you love him and don't love me".  It wasn't hard to see why she felt that way.  Her brother did require a lot of attention.  Plus her father and I were both working full time.  I look back and don't know how we survived all of it.  I guess love of your children enables you to do amazing things.  Well, then her brother had Early Intervention come into the house.  Early intervention suggested that her brother be tested for food allergies.  So, we decided to have both of them tested for food allergies with a blood test.  The food allergies came back positive for both of them.  They were intolerant to gluten and casein.  They had to be placed on a gluten-casein free diet.  Additionally, we decided to have hair analysis for them done.  The hair analysis came back positive for heavy metals.  We had to detox them with supplement and then they were placed on supplements to heal their gut.  Skylar did not like being on the gluten/casein free diet!  But who could blame her, it was difficult.  Luckily, Fred's mother (Sherry), helped me learn how to make all of their favorite foods gluten/casein free.  My mother also helped with learning how to cook various things.  In summary, Skylar has had tremendous challenges to get to where she is today.  


She attends a private religious school.  She has been there since she was 3 years old.  She competes in the Math Olympics at school.  She cheers for FCA competitive cheer squad.  They just were Grand Champions at the Nationals in Ohio.  She also plays soccer and has played since she was 4 years old.  She loves dancing, swimming, skiing, performing for family.  

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Skylar:  


Please consider going to Skylar Young's GoFundMe account to donate any amount of money.  Here is the link for Skylar Young's GoFundMe account:

Any money donated is greatly appreciated by her and our family.  She has had so many struggles and obstacles to overcome since birth.  I really want her to do the National American Miss!  Why?  I think it is a wonderful opportunity for her to gain confidence and self esteem in herself and her ability to speak publicly.


Here is the information of what the money is needed for:

National American Miss Fees

Sponsor Fee   $480
Hotel         $700
Formal wear dress   $200-400
Interview suit             $150
Production number outfit    $40
Talent entry fee   $100
Talent outfit         $100
Actress fee       $75
Photogenic fee    $75
Casual wear modeling fee $75
Gas              $150
Misc              $150

Total          $2495     

Thank you so much!

God Bless you for taking the time to read Skylar's story!

Skylar Young and Kimfitnesschic  xoxo

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FEEL WORTHLESS, UNLOVED, HEL...




At church, we were asked to write something down that has happened to us to cause us to have faith!  It really got me thinking about why my faith is so strong.  I am completely broken person, but yet I have iron faith.  It also made me realize that so much has happened to me to not have faith.

I have wanted to write this blog since I started blogging.  However, I was told by someone to not write this blog, so I didn't write this specific one.  I think it was for my best, that I didn't write this blog until now.  I was mentally weaker back then.  However, I was driving in the car today and felt the strong desire to blog again and to do this blog post.  I don't blog just to blog.  I only blog when I feel like I have something that is extremely important for at least one person to hear.  I also only blog when I feel like it is coming from my heart.

So get ready to hear my story. Only people, who are extremely close to me or have been extremely close to me in the past know this.

What causes my faith to be strong?  

Let's see I have talked about the many vehicles that I have been in while they were totaled, including a Mack truck smashing into my mustang, pushing me into a school bus and going half way through a house.  Oh, by the way, I was stopped at a red light.  I walked away from it.  The drunk driver drag racing and smashing into the car that my friends and I were in.  Oh, by the way, my eyes were open, but there are 20-24 hours that I can't remember at all, but I was talking.  Yeah, call me crazy, but I think I took a little trip to heaven that day.


Now, let's see.  What is it like when you feel worthless, so unloved and so helpless?  So imperfect and useless!  Oh yes, you would do anything to drown out the pain and to kill yourself.  Has Kimfitnesschic ever been to that point?  IF YOU ONLY KNEW, how many times I have felt that unloved, useless, helpless and worthless!  So what do you do?  You try to cheer yourself up!  It doesn't always work.  Many people love to kick others when they are down, rather than say oh my God, how can I help you up!  I will help pick you up, even if it means I am bringing myself down with you!  So what happened?  Yep,  I tried to kill myself every which way possible, even researched the most effective ways to kill myself!  You are probably rolling your eyes and saying "oh my god", "i can't believe that she is sharing this" or "she only wants attention".  NOPE!  This was the old me!  Why am I sharing this?  I am sharing this because if my sharing this gives one person strength or helps one person to understand that they aren't alone, then this post was worth gold to me!

Looking back and analyzing everything, I learned some key things:
1) I am loved by God
2) God has a purpose for my life and it is my job to listen to that purpose
3) I am a sinner by nature but I also have a heart of gold
4) I have experienced horrific things in my life to enable me to be able to understand others in same situations and to help them
5) God made me, so I am not a mistake!  God doesn't make mistakes
6) Actions are louder than words
7) People will knock you down to try to build themselves up, don't lower yourself to that level.  Build others up, even if it means bringing yourself down
8) Miracles happen on a daily basis, You just have to have your eyes open.
9)  I don't only pray on Sundays and I don't only pray in church.  I pray in my car, bathroom, anywhere and everywhere.  I talk to God and my loved ones in Heaven as if they are sitting beside me.
10)  My faith belief is that we should love one another unconditionally and try to understand that we all are flawed and sinful.  I do not try to push my beliefs or faith on others.  I do try to love others, no matter what.  Am I always successful, no because I am sinful!  I do try to catch myself and stop doing it though.
11)  Be yourself because those who truly love you, won't care.  If they love you for someone other than yourself, then they aren't truly loving you!  They are loving the mask!
12) Others being mean to you is a reflection of them, not you!


If Jesus was to come back to Earth, do you think he would be in churches????  I don't think so!!!!!  He would be showing love to those needing the most love and those hurting the most.  He would be in places that majorities of people need saved or need to learn what love is.

I pray that God was with me while writing this!  I pray that love spreads throughout the word!  I pray that more people start understanding that we are all sinners and try to be loving towards each other!  I pray that the homeless find shelter, the hungry find food, the sick are healed, the weary are given rest and that people join hands to take a stand together and demonstrate love!  My favorite movie is PAY IT FORWARD!  Do for others without expecting anything in return!  Do for others because you want to, because seeing someone hurt breaks your heart!

May you spread love throughout the world

Kimfitnesschic  xoxo

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Kimfitnesschic Beachbody and fitness : Kimfitnesschic 30 day gluten free/casein free fami...

Kimfitnesschic 30 day gluten free/casein free fami...: Kimfitnesschic 30 day gluten free/casein free family challenge 30 day Gluten free/casein free family challenge Please take this challen...

Kimfitnesschic 30 day gluten free/casein free family challenge

Kimfitnesschic 30 day gluten free/casein free family challenge

30 day Gluten free/casein free family challenge
Please take this challenge for 30 days! 

Here is how the challenge works:
1) Take time to read through this entire blog and absorb the information
           *Know the difference between gluten and casein
           *Know the difference between lactose intolerance and a milk allergy
            *Know what are the harmful effects of gluten
            *Know what are the harmful effects of casein
            *Know what foods contain gluten
             *Know what foods contain casein
             *Know replacement foods for gluten
              *Know replacement foods for casein
              *Know signs of gluten intolerance
               *Know signs of casein intolerance

2) Make a list of any symptom for you, your spouse and your children
                   *including but not limited to:  rashes, eczema, irritability, bloating, inability to gain weight, diarrhea, headache, joint pain, inability to concentrate, etc. 
3) Identify for each family member, the food that they crave the most (gluten or casein or both)
4) Decide as a family, which food (gluten or casein) is the most craved (addicted to)
5) Determine one food from that category to replace with another "safe" food in that category (i.e. replacing cow's milk with almond milk, replacing quinoa pasta noodles with wheat pasta noodles)  (at the bottom, I posted a list of places to buy gluten/casein free foods)
6) Replace that food for 3-5 days and note symptoms daily (be keen detective)  NOTE:  Do not be surprised if there are withdrawal symptoms for the first 1-3 days (that means that there was an extreme addiction and that the toxic cells are dying off-basically the body is beginning to heal itself)
7) Continue to replace one food at a time in that same category (casein or gluten) until all of the foods within that category that you eat are replaced.  If you are having difficult time finding substitutes, then research it on Youtube or the internet.  NOTE;  Make sure that it is a reliable source.
8) Once all of the foods have been replaced in one category (gluten or casein), move onto the next one (gluten or casein).  
9) Go as far as you can with replacing gluten and casein in 30 days and let me know if your symptoms have improved (i.e. have you lost weight, less stomach pain, less skin rashes, less irritability, less food cravings, etc.  

You are welcome to email me with questions at:, 

kimfitnesschic facebook    (



Remember this is not for everyone.  I am posting this for people, who WANT to learn about this.  If I don't have an answer that was given to me by a medical professional or can't find a reliable answer in researching, then I will refer you to two medical professionals, who have helped me.  


What is glutein and casein?


Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, KAMUT® khorasan wheat and einkorn), rye, barley and triticale. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. Gluten can be found in many types of foods, even ones that would not be expected (see Sources of Gluten).
The Big 3: Wheat, Barley, Rye
Wheat is commonly found in:
  • breads
  • baked goods
  • soups
  • pasta
  • cereals
  • sauces
  • salad dressings
  • roux
Barley is commonly found in:
  • malt
  • food coloring
  • soups
  • malt vinegar
  • beer
Rye is commonly found in:
  • rye bread, such as pumpernickel
  • rye beer
  • cereals
Triticale is a newer grain, specifically grown to have a similar quality as wheat, while being tolerant to a variety of growing conditions like rye. It can potentially be found in:
  • breads
  • pasta
  • cereals
found at

What is casein?

Q. What is casein exactly?
A. Casein is the protein found in all mammals’ milk.  Mammals include cow, goat, sheep, yak, buffalo, camel and humans.  This includes human breast milk even if the mother is on a GFCFSF diet.
Q. Why can’t ASD children have casein?
A. Research shows that people with ASD have an abnormal immune response to the protein in casein (as well as the proteins in gluten and soy).  Whether or not your child tests positive on IgE or IgG tests to casein, it must be removed to be on the GFCFSF diet.
Q. What are the most common foods that contain casein?
A. The common foods are: milks, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt, butter, lunchmeats and cheese.
Q. Does it matter if the milk or butter is organic?
A.  No.  Casein is casein, organic or not and is therefore not allowed.
Q. What are the Kosher labeling rules for casein?
A.  A “D” on a label next to “K” or “U” indicates presence of milk protein
Q. Don’t kids need milk to grow?
A.   No, children need calcium to grow healthy teeth and bones, not dairy products.  You must give a separate calcium supplement.  Children need between 800-1200 mg of calcium per day and you can find it available in powder, chewables, liquid and pills.
Q. What are the most common ingredients that contain casein?
Artificial butter flavor
Butter fat
Butter oil
Casein (casein hydrosylate)
Caseinates (in all forms)
Condensed milk
Cottage cheese
Dry milk
Evaporated milk
Goat’s milk
Half & Half
Hot dogs
Lactalbumin phosphate
Lactic acid starter culture (may contain milk)
Low fat Milk fat
Magnesium caseinate
Malted Milk Margarine
Milk (in all forms including condensed, derivative, dry, evaporated, goat’s milk, and milk for other animals, low-fat, malted, milkfat, non-fat, powder, protein, skimmed, solids, whole)
Milk cheese lactose
Milk powder
Milk protein
Milk solids
Naturlose (sweetener derived from whey)
Non-dairy creamer butter
Nonfat milk
Powdered Milk
Rennet casein
Skim milk
Sodium lactylate (may or may not contain casein)
Sour cream
Sour cream solids
Sour milk solids
Tagatose (sweetener derived from whey)
Whey in all forms (including sweet, delactosed, protein concentrate)
Whole milk

Ingredients which may contain milk protein flavorings:
  • Caramel coloring
  • Brown sugar flavoring
  • Bavarian cream flavoring
  • Coconut cream flavoring
  • Natural chocolate flavoring
*Please Note:
Lactic acid is found naturally in sour milk but also commercially produced from whey, cornstarch, potatoes and molasses. Therefore, if listed on a product as an ingredient, you must verify its source.

Reasons Gluten is Bad

6 Reasons Gluten is Bad for You

1) Celiac Disease is on the Rise and most people remain undiagnosed.
2) Gluten sensitivity is much more common and can also have serious consequences
3) Gluten may cause adverse effects, even in people who don't have gluten sensitivity
4) Many brain disorders are associated with gluten and patients see dramatic improvements on a gluten free diet
5) Wheat gluten may be addictive
6) Gluten is associated with autoimmune disorders


14 Signs Gluten Intolerant

Reasons Casein is Bad
Dairy products - including all milk products, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, ice-cream, etc. - are related to all kinds of diseases including cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergies, asthma, digestive diseases, thyroid problems, neurological diseases, etc. The list is unlimited and I wish I could include it here, but for the sake of space let's concentrate on why this is so. 

Milk can cause problems in several ways:
  • through sensitivity to the protein casein which creates havoc in our bodies in a similar way that gluten from wheat and other grains does.
  • through milk allergies which can juxtapose with the previous problem.
  • through lactose intolerance.
  • through the food livestock eats which can have, among other things, toxic lectins from consumed grains or GMO foods. Livestock can have hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, infections, etc. also
  • through other problems as well
Let's cover the basic principles of each problem. 

Casein Sensitivity 

The protein casein in dairy products creates serious problems just like the protein gluten in some grains like wheat. They can trigger an autoimmune response and/or mimic endorphins to cause changes in perception, mood, and behavior. The mechanism involved has to do with a failure of a particular enzyme which disassembles the gluten and casein protein, a digestive process necessary for our bodies to extract the nutrients from these proteins. Because of the failure of this enzyme to do its job, a remaining undigested fragment of those proteins survive, and to our defense/immune system this fragment resembles a virus. Then, thinking that it is a virus, our bodies will trigger an immune/defense response to protect our bodies from the 'invader'. Because this gluten or casein fragment is so similar to various disease-causing viruses, it will generate a complex reaction, an autoimmune response which is suspected to play a role in type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis and autism. Complex immune responses damage different tissues in different people, so the range of diseases is very diverse. Also, the undigested gluten or casein fragments look like opium-like drugs which can have a significant influence on our behavior and brains. They are literally drugs - and that is why people are so hooked on dairy and gluten! 

In Detoxification and Healing, Sydney MacDonald Baker,M.D. explains this as follows (keep in mind that the following applies to casein in milk):
An average person and most doctors simply cannot believe that difficulty with the digestion and biochemical or immunological processing of the gluten found in these grains can cause substantial mischief.

Gluten intolerance affects approximately one out of a hundred people; if you look among sick people instead of in the general population, you will find a much higher incidence. If you have problems of just about any combination of symptoms you can name or even if you have been diagnosed with a disease and remain symptomatic, a brief avoidance of gluten in your diet will cover this base.

Gluten sensitivity is the protein in cereal grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. Sensitivity is not the same as an ordinary allergy.

Most sensitivity to foods involves delayed reactions and has to do with IgG antibodies. It is very easy to identify food allergies if you get an immediate reaction to them, for example if you get a rash after eating some strawberries. But it is very tricky to pin down a delayed food allergy because there is no clear-cut cause and effect. You may experience symptoms after two hours, but frequently they don't show up until one day to three days after you eat the food in question. Further complicating matters, the symptoms wax and wane. You may eat gluten with impunity one day but get diarrhea from it the next three times you indulge. Or your symptoms may be cumulative, occurring only after you've eaten gluten a number of times or when you eat a particular combination of foods you're sensitive to.

Delayed food allergies can cause just about any symptom, and chronic illness often involves a state of inappropriate immune vigilance in which food allergy gets involved even if it is no the cause of the problem. For some reason, your defense immune system can get stuck in a high vigilance alert and response, leading to chronic inflammatory symptoms that persist and even worsen long after the initial trigger has gone. When this happens, your immune system may develop an oddly aggressive attitude toward a variety of antigens or foreign substances in your body, including many found in the foods you eat.

Wheat and other gluten-containing foods and milk products may test positive on IgG food allergy testing but that, in you, produce effects that are not really allergic but are mediated by mechanisms that take weeks or months for alleviation after avoiding the foods.

Autistic children often improve enough on a gluten-free [and a dairy free diet, it is well documented] diet at to make it worth continuing. The diet avoids wheat, rye, barley, and all products containing even traces of the protein (gluten) found in these grains. Oats are still a matter of controversy; some studies show no negative effect in gluten-sensitive individuals, but other individuals report reactions to them. The majority of psychologists, physicians, teachers, neighbors, and parents reject the idea that anything as completely innocent as bread or spaghetti could make your lose your mind. More practitioners every day prescribe a gluten free diet for individuals with diseases such as schizophrenia and autism as top treatment instead of it being it a last resort. If you have any chronic symptom and you have not tried eliminating gluten from your diet for somewhere between three weeks and three months to see what different it may make.

Doctors are conditioned to think that each disease has a separate cause, and each produces a separate disease, so it is no surprise that they will find it difficult to believe that sensitivity to the protein wheat, rye, barley, and maybe, oats could produce such a diverse list of conditions such as headaches, fatigue, malaise, depression, any sort of chronic digestive problem including difficulty gaining weight, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel, undigested food in stools, Sjögren's syndrome (dry eyes), epilepsy associated with brain calcification, history of migraine headaches, or digestive problems; osteoporosis, infertility, complications of pregnancy such as miscarriage, low-birth-weight infants, intestinal lymphoma, esophageal cancer, diabetes, thyroid problems, schizophrenia, autism, dermatitis herpetiformis (a chronic skin condition with tiny blisters that resemble those of herpes virus infections).

There is substantial evidence of a causative association between gluten intolerance and these problems. And the list grows as case reports of dramatic cures produced by a gluten-free diet attract the attention of researchers.

There are blood tests and urine tests that may predict whether you will feel better by eliminating gluten from your diet, but no blood or urine test is completely decisive. Response to a change in diet will be decisive for you.

The original peoples of Northern Europe, who like the peoples of the Americas, Africa, and the Far East, had not adapted to the consumption of wheat because they were hunter-gatherers or because they practiced agriculture based on corn, millet, or rice, as well as tubers. [...]

In order to understand gluten sensitivity, we must understand digestion of protein. A protein is an assembly of amino acids. Amino acids joined together are called peptides and when we have 100 or so amino acids joined together, we have a small protein. Most proteins have hundreds or thousands of amino acids, and they are folded into shapes that are kept permanent by bridges, usually made of sulfur. The strength of this assembly is quite strong, and so our digestive tracts are trusted with the task of disassembling the thousands of amino acids from our foods right down to individual amino acids, which then pass int our bloodstream to be then reassembled int our own very proteins. To be more precise, our digestive tracts uses stomach acids, and alkali juices from our intestines, combined with the digestive enzymes to do this job. Specific enzymes disassemble the proteins into peptides. Gluten intolerance has to do with a failure of a particular enzyme, a peptidase called DPP4.

When the same enzyme is sticking out of a lymphocyte, a cell of our immune/defense system and apparently doing a different job within the body, it is called CD26. Because of the failure or insufficiency of DPP4, an undigested fragment of protein, or peptide, survives and it appears to cause mischief in at least two ways. First, this undigested peptide, looks familiar to the immune/defense system, in other words, it produces a mimicry which is based on digestive weakness among the descendants of peoples who have not been eating wheat long enough to adapt. This will cause symptoms caused by the triggering of an immune response against a suspicious-looking peptide which will resemble a virus to our defense/immune system. Because the gluten-derived peptide is similar to various disease-causing virus, it generates a complex defensive response on the part of the immune system, which does not then find a virus to kill. The next step is damage to tissues by the antibodies aimed at the peptide. This triangle of viral stimulus, immune response, and autoimmune damage is suspected to be a common theme in various illnesses, such as type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and autism. The immune response damages different tissues in different people.

The second way that undigested peptides from gluten cause trouble is by entering the bloodstream. Peptides released from gluten when there is a failure of DPP4 possess another kind of mimicry apart from their resemblance to peptides from viruses.These peptides look like opium and the family of drugs derived from opium: heroin, morphine, codeine, and other semisynthetic derivatives. This understanding is based on the finding of opioid peptides in the urine of individuals with autism and schizophrenia, also from the dramatic withdrawal symptoms that occur in some individuals when they come off gluten. The malaise and irritability strongly resemble a mild version of the kinds of symptoms seen in heroin withdrawal.

Most individuals with gluten-related symptoms will begin to experience relief a few days after excluding all gluten. It may take up between 3 weeks and 3 months.

Many doctors define the problem in terms of the lab test, the lab tests are meant to indicate celiac disease, which does not necessarily have a one-to-one correlation with all of the other problems associated with gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is just one type of a broader spectrum of gluten sensitivity. [...]

Everything that we had learned about gluten applies to casein, one of the main proteins in milk, the lack of DPP4, thus the peptides pass into the blood where they do harm because the evoke an autoimmune response and/or mimic endorphins to cause changes in perception, mood, and behavior.; but it is to say that milk can cause you problems in other ways as well. [...]
The lack of these enzymes (peptidase) is not only due to heritability, but it is also believed to be due to multiple factors including toxicity (for instance, heavy metal toxicity) which ends up impairing their function. Keep in mind that there really is no way to avoid heavy metal toxicity as it is prevalent throughout the entire world. Some detoxify better than others though. 

There are lab tests that can be done to diagnose this problem, but these tests have not been perfected to the point where they can substitute for a change in diet. 

Milk Allergy 

Milk allergy is another problem and it does not have a clear-cut boundary with casein sensitivity. It can produce just about any symptom you can think of as well. Allergies have a medical implication of an immune system reaction that differs from the peptide issue described above.When there is an allergic reaction to the proteins in milk (usually casein) there can be hives, eczema, swelling, itching, or digestive complaints, or a delayed reaction that can take practically any form or disease. A delayed reaction can occur at varying intervals and intensities after eating milk products. 

Lactose Intolerance 

This is yet another milk-related problem. Lactose is a sugar found in the milk of any mammal and it is made up of two simple sugars: glucose and galactose. There are people who lack the enzyme needed to separate these sugars so that each can be absorbed into the bloodstream. When this happens, the undigested lactose remains in the digestive tract where the digestive flora consumes it. As a consequence there can be bowel urgency, cramps, diarrhea, and gas. Hydrogen breath tests can distinguish this particular problem of lactose intolerance. 

Questionable Livestock 

Dairy products can have hormones, chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, blood, pus, toxic lectins from consumed grains or GMO foods among other things. There has also been concern of viral infections with bovine leukemia virus (related to leukemia and lymphomas) or an AIDS-like virus. SalmonellaE. coli, and staphylococcal infections can be traced to milk as well. See for instance the Milk Letter for more information. 

Other Problems 

If you haven't heard that countries with the highest consumption of dairy products have the highest rates of osteoporosis, now you have, and you will understand why as well. This excerpt is from the book The Enzyme Factor where Hiromi Shinya, M.D. sums up other problems with milk and dairy products in general, including yogurt:
The main nutrients found in milk are protein, fat, glucose, calcium and vitamins. Milk is very popular because it contains a lot of calcium and is supposed to prevent osteoporosis.

But the truth is, there is no other food that is as difficult to digest as milk. Since milk is a smooth liquid substance, there are some people who drink it like water when they are thirsty, but that is a big mistake. Casein, which accounts for approximately 80% of the protein found in milk, immediately clumps together once it enters the stomach, making digestion very difficult. Furthermore, that component is homogenized in the milk sold in stores. Homogenization means equalizing the fat content in milk by stirring it. The reason homogenization is bad is that when milk is stirred, air gets mixed in, turning the milk's fat component into an oxidized fatty substance - fat in an advanced state of oxidation. In other words, homogenized milk produces free radicals and exerts a very negative influence on the body.

The milk containing oxidized fat then gets pasteurized at high temperatures over 212°F. Enzymes are sensitive to heat, and begin to be destroyed at temperatures 200°F. In other words, milk sold in stores not only lacks precious enzymes, but the fat is oxidized and the quality of the proteins is changed due to the high temperature. In a sense, milk is the worst type of food.

In fact, I have heard that if you feed milk sold in stores to a calf instead of milk straight from the mother cow, the calf will die in four or five days. Life cannot be sustained with foods that do not have enzymes.

Milk causes inflammation

The first time I learned how bad milk is for the body was more than 35 years ago, when my own children developed atopic dermatitis' at six or seven months of age.

The children's mother followed the pediatrician's instructions, but no matter how much treatment they received, the children's dermatitis did not improve at all. Then, at around age three or four, my son began having severe diarrhea. And finally, he even started getting blood in his stool. Upon examination with an endoscope, I discovered that the toddler manifested early stages of ulcerative colitis.

Knowing ulcerative colitis is closely linked to one's diet, I focused on what kind of food the children usually ate. As it turned out, just when the children began developing atopic dermatitis, my wife had stopped breastfeeding and had started giving them milk under the pediatrician's advice. We eliminated all milk and milk products from the children's diet from that point on. Sure enough, the bloody stool and diarrhea, even the atopic dermatitis, completely subsided.

Following that experience, I began obtaining an itemized list of how much milk and milk products were consumed when I asked my patients about their dietary history. According to my clinical data, there is a high likelihood of developing a predisposition to allergies by consuming milk and milk products. This correlates with recent allergy studies that report that when pregnant women drink milk, their children are more prone to develop atopic dermatitis.

During the past 30 years in Japan, the number of patients with atopic dermatitis and hay fever has increased at an astonishing rate. That number may currently be as much as one out of every five people. There are many theories as to why there has been such a rapid increase in the number of people with allergies, but I believe the number one cause is the introduction of milk in school lunches in the early 1960s.

Milk, which contains many oxidized fatty substances, damages the intestinal environment, increasing the amount of bad bacteria and destroying the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora. As a result, toxins such as free radicals, hydrogen sulfides, and ammonia are produced in the intestine. Research about what kind of process these toxins go through and what kinds of illnesses arise is still ongoing, but several research papers have reported that milk not only causes various allergies but is also linked with diabetes among children. These research papers are available on the internet, so I encourage you to read them yourselves.

Why drinking too much milk will cause osteoporosis 

The biggest common misconception about milk is that it helps prevent osteoporosis. Since the calcium content in our bodies decreases with age, we are told to drink a lot of milk to prevent osteoporosis. But this is a big mistake. Drinking too much milk actually causes osteoporosis.

It is commonly believed that calcium in milk is better absorbed than the calcium in other foods such as small fish, but that is not entirely true. The calcium concentration in human blood is normally fixed at 9-10 mg. However, when you drink milk, the calcium concentration in your blood suddenly rises. Although at first glance, it may seem as if a lot of calcium has been absorbed, this rise in blood calcium level has its downside. When the calcium concentration in the blood suddenly rises, the body tries to return this abnormal level back to normal by excreting calcium from the kidneys through urine. In other words, if you try to drink milk in order to get calcium, this actually produces the ironic result of decreasing the overall level of calcium in your body. All of the four big dairy countries - America, Sweden, Denmark and Finland - where a lot of milk is consumed every day, see many cases of hip fractures and osteoporosis.

In contrast to this, small fish and seaweed, which Japanese people have been eating for ages and were originally thought to be low in calcium, contain calcium that is not quickly absorbed in a way that raises the blood calcium concentration level. Moreover, there were hardly any cases of osteoporosis in Japan during the time when people did not drink milk. Even now, you do not hear about many people having osteoporosis among those who do not drink milk on a regular basis. The body can absorb the necessary calcium and minerals through the digestion of small shrimp, fish, and seaweed.

Why I question the "myth" about yogurt

Recently in Japan, various types of yogurt such as "Caspian Sea yogurt" and "aloe yogurt" have become very popular because of their widely advertised health benefits. But I believe these are all misrepresentations.

What I often hear from people who eat yogurt is that their gastrointestinal condition has improved, they are no longer constipated, or their waist has gotten smaller. And they believe these results are due to the lactobacilli found in all yogurts.

However, this belief in the benefits of lactobacilli is questionable from the start. Lactobacilli are originally found in the human intestine. These bacteria are called "intestinal resident bacteria." The human body has a defense system against bacteria and viruses coming from the outside, so even those bacteria that are normally good for your body, like lactobacilli, will be attacked and destroyed by the body's natural defenses if they are not intestinal resident bacteria.

The first line of defense is stomach acid. When lactobacilli from the yogurt enter the stomach, most are killed by stomach acid. For that reason, there have been recent improvements made and yogurts are being sold with the catchphrase, "lactobacilli that reach your intestine."

However, even if the bacteria do reach the intestine, is it really possible for them to work hand in hand with the intestinal resident bacteria? The reason I question this claim about yogurt is because in the clinical setting, the intestinal characteristics of people who eat yogurt everyday are never good. I strongly suspect that, even if the lactobacilli in yogurt reach the intestine alive, they do not make the intestine work better but only disrupt the intestinal flora instead.

Then why do many people feel yogurt is effective in improving their health? For many, yogurt seems to "cure" constipation. This "cure," however, is actually a mild case of diarrhea. Here is the way this probably works: Adults lack enough of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk products, but lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, begins to decrease in our bodies as we grow older. This is natural in a sense, because milk is something infants drink, not adults. In other words, lactase is an enzyme that is not required by adults.

Yogurt contains a lot of lactose. Thus, when you eat yogurt, it cannot be properly digested owing to the lack of lactase enzymes, which in turn results in indigestion. In short, many people develop mild diarrhea when they eat yogurt. Consequently, this mild diarrhea, which is really the excretion of stagnant stool that has been accumulating in the colon until then, gets mistakenly characterized as a cure for constipation.

Your intestine's condition will worsen if you eat yogurt everyday. I can say this with confidence based on my clinical observations. If you eat yogurt everyday, the smell of your stool and gas should be increasingly pungent. This is an indication that your intestinal environment is getting worse. The reason for the smell is that toxins are being produced inside the colon. Thus, even though people talk about the health effects of yogurt in general (and yogurt companies are more than pleased to tout their own products), in reality, there are many things about yogurt that are not good for your body.
Yet another problem with dairy products is their lectin content which can cause serious problems as well, including diseases like multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Lectin sensitivity is a whole other story, and it seems to be related to the quality of the livestock's feed. For more information please read the Lectin Report

The Solution 

Remember that these problems apply to all dairy products including, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, ice cream, etc. When casein is the problem, raw milk with all its benefits is NOT going to help. Think of it as an addictive opioid drug which delivers a fix. Butter is considered to be safe for some, but it has to be tested through an elimination diet to see if it is really tolerated. A good alternative is ghee butter. 


What is the difference between lactose intolerance and a milk allergy

In addition to other nutrients, milk contains both carbohydrate and protein. It’s simple carbohydrate, or sugar, is lactose and it’s proteins include whey and casein. Whey is the liquid portion of milk after it curdles. The solids are casein, also called curds. Both are amino acids protein structures with their own separate functions.
A milk allergy is the abnormal immune reaction to the milk proteins, whey, casein, or both. Upon consumption of any milk product, the body identifies the substance as dangerous. Antibodies, more specifically immunoglobulin E, or IgE, are triggered to attack the milk protein. This same antibody also triggers the release of histamine, causing a systemic inflammatory response. It is the inflammation which causes the adverse reactions commonly associated with milk allergies including hives, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy skin, and diarrhea. Milk free, casein free, and whey free diets often require the complete removal of dairy foods. Non-dairy substitutes exist as almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk and more.
Lactose is the milk sugar, the carbohydrate, made up of two simple sugars, galactose and glucose. When digested, the lactose is further broken down in the large intestines by lactase. Some individuals are lactase deficient and cannot convert the lactose, resulting in the negative effects of lactose intolerance including gas, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea. Lactose intolerance does not produce an immune system reaction as a milk allergy does. In lactose free foods, lactase is often added so that the conversion into simple sugars is already done for the body, eliminating the unwanted symptoms.
Picazzo’s caters to both lactose intolerance and milk allergies with dairy free cheese, coconut milk ice cream and more. Please just inform your server of your needs!


Signs of Casein Intolerance
1) nausea
2) stomach pain/cramping
3) bloating
4) flatulence
5) diarrhea
6) eczema, acne and other skin disorders
7) asthma
8) chronic fatigue
9) weakness
10) irritability
11) inability to concentrate
12) headaches
13) congestion
14) excessive mucus
15) joint pain


Sources of Gluten and Casein to Avoid

Replacement Foods for Gluten

Replacement foods for casein

Gluten Free and Casein Free Shopping List

This is a comprehensive list of gluten and casein free food items!

Whole Foods
Trader Joe's
Giant Eagle
Wal-mart      (very good)    (very good)        (my kids love these)     (awesome)    (casein free cheese-sold at Giant Eagle, cheese is the hardest thing to replace)     (awesome supplements-multi-vitamins, calcium, magnesium cream, etc.)             (this tastes nasty, mix it in a smoothie for your family-wonderful benefits)

***********NOTE:  I am not paid by any of these companies.  I am merely providing resources, which I have found PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!

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