Saturday, April 4, 2015

Kimfitnesschic Crazy, fun fitness and life/wellness coaching: Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National Amer...

Kimfitnesschic Crazy, fun fitness and life/wellness coaching: Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National Amer...: SKYLAR YOUNG'S STARS ARE THE LIMITZ- NATIONAL AMERICAN MISS PRE-TEEN My daughter (Skylar Young) is a PA State Finalist in the Nat...

Skylar Young's Stars are the Limitz -National American Miss Pre-teen


My daughter (Skylar Young) is a PA State Finalist in the National American Miss Pre-teen pageant.  She is so excited!  She would like to be an actress or dancer.  I developed a You Tube video of her to help people know who she is.  The video is here:



We also created a GoFund me account to help her raise the money that she needs to make this dream happen.  Her Go Fund me account is at :

Well, let me tell you a little about why this is so important to me for my daughter.  First of all, I believe in supporting my daughter's dreams 100%.  Additionally, I am 100% willing to help her meet her dream goals.  Secondly, Skylar has been through a lot since she was born.  Let me take you back 11 years ago.  Skylar was two weeks overdue and didn't want to come out, so I had to be induced. The doctor kept saying, "wow, she has a full head of hair".  He must of said that for hours, but Skylar was still not completely out.  Well, at some point, the doctor decided that he was going to do a C-section to get Skylar to come out and see us.  Fred (Skylar's father) got ready to go into the operating room with me and Skylar.  However, shortly after getting dressed for operating room, they started rushing Skylar and me into the emergency C-section.  Fred wasn't allowed in the room.  Skylar and I both went into distress and we both were fading.  They took us into the emergency C-section while Skylar's father and grandmother waited anxiously.  It was hours before I finally came to and I got to hold my daughter.  Skylar's father wouldn't let Skylar's grandmother or anyone hold her until I came to and got to hold her first.  Here is a picture of the first time I got to hold Skylar.

Skylar had numerous medical issues.  She projected vomited as a baby.  This made me nervous, so I slept with her on the couch because I was so scared that she was going to asphyxiate.  She also cried unless she was held.  Additionally, she had a lazy eye, so she had glasses at 1 year old and had 3 eye surgeries by the time that she was 4. That wasn't all though.  She had multiple ear infections, so she had tubes placed in her ears 2 times.  Additionally, she had to have her adenoids removed two times, because they grew back after being removed the first time.  She had chronic sinus infections and allergies.  She also had Torticollis (wry neck), so she had to have Physical Therapy. She would cry and scream when the vacuum or blender was on (sound sensitivity) and multiple sensory issues.  Thus, she had Occupational Therapy to address fine motor delays and sensory issues.  She would push with markers so hard, that she broke the markers and had difficulty with fine motor tasks.  She also had some speech issues, so she received Speech Therapy. Well, then along came her brother when she was 3 years old.  She had extreme difficulty adjusting to having a brother.  Well, it was plain to see why.  Her brother also required 24 hour supervision to keep him safe.  He required a ton of attention to maintain safety.  The amount of time that her brother required impacted her belief that her father and I loved her.  She made multiple comments that "you love him and don't love me".  It wasn't hard to see why she felt that way.  Her brother did require a lot of attention.  Plus her father and I were both working full time.  I look back and don't know how we survived all of it.  I guess love of your children enables you to do amazing things.  Well, then her brother had Early Intervention come into the house.  Early intervention suggested that her brother be tested for food allergies.  So, we decided to have both of them tested for food allergies with a blood test.  The food allergies came back positive for both of them.  They were intolerant to gluten and casein.  They had to be placed on a gluten-casein free diet.  Additionally, we decided to have hair analysis for them done.  The hair analysis came back positive for heavy metals.  We had to detox them with supplement and then they were placed on supplements to heal their gut.  Skylar did not like being on the gluten/casein free diet!  But who could blame her, it was difficult.  Luckily, Fred's mother (Sherry), helped me learn how to make all of their favorite foods gluten/casein free.  My mother also helped with learning how to cook various things.  In summary, Skylar has had tremendous challenges to get to where she is today.  


She attends a private religious school.  She has been there since she was 3 years old.  She competes in the Math Olympics at school.  She cheers for FCA competitive cheer squad.  They just were Grand Champions at the Nationals in Ohio.  She also plays soccer and has played since she was 4 years old.  She loves dancing, swimming, skiing, performing for family.  

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Skylar:  


Please consider going to Skylar Young's GoFundMe account to donate any amount of money.  Here is the link for Skylar Young's GoFundMe account:

Any money donated is greatly appreciated by her and our family.  She has had so many struggles and obstacles to overcome since birth.  I really want her to do the National American Miss!  Why?  I think it is a wonderful opportunity for her to gain confidence and self esteem in herself and her ability to speak publicly.


Here is the information of what the money is needed for:

National American Miss Fees

Sponsor Fee   $480
Hotel         $700
Formal wear dress   $200-400
Interview suit             $150
Production number outfit    $40
Talent entry fee   $100
Talent outfit         $100
Actress fee       $75
Photogenic fee    $75
Casual wear modeling fee $75
Gas              $150
Misc              $150

Total          $2495     

Thank you so much!

God Bless you for taking the time to read Skylar's story!

Skylar Young and Kimfitnesschic  xoxo