Saturday, February 1, 2014



Part of being a Beachbody Coach is setting goals.  Not only do I help others set goals and set measureable steps for achieving those goals, but I ALSO set goals for myself and measureable steps to achieve the goals.

  Well, I love running and one of my BIG DREAM GOALS for 2014 is to run a marathon.

  I have run the Women in the Wild Challenge, 5Ks and the Tough Mudder.

However, I have not ran a half-marathon or marathon.  I thought about running a half-marathon but considering on a day that I am stressed out, i can run 10 miles, I felt like a half-marathon would not be a big enough goal!  Remember, I talk about DREAM BIG!!!!!!  So therefore, I set my goal at running a marathon.  Well, during January, I was able to run 121 miles during the month.  I met my goal of 120!!!!! YEAH!!  So, I decided to set one of my BIG DREAM GOALS for 2014 to run a marathon.

SAY WHAT, YOU USED TO NOT RUN?  I used to not run at all and said that I was too heavy or it would hurt too bad to run (top heavy-LOL).  But I wanted to do the Women in the Wild Challenge with my mother, so I started out walking and gradually increased the duration and speed.  If you can believe that 2 years ago, I was only able to run at 3.5 miles per hour for 30 minutes.  Well, I guess hard work, sweat and dedication pay off!!!!  Now, I can run up to 10 miles at one time, speed of 10.0 miles per hour for a short time and never go below non-stop running at 7.0 miles per hour.   OH YEAH, and I run every day!!!!!

Anyways, I decided to set my February running goal at 200 miles per month.  This is by almost double of what I did in January.  Soooooo, I decided I needed to come up with a game plan to meet this goal!!!!  Here is the game plan that I came up with!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you would like help with setting goals or meeting your health and nutrition goals, please feel free to contact me at or!!!!!!!

God Bless you,



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